Volume 1 – Issue 23

“Western missionaries believed that the impulse that energized the missionary movement of the nineteenth century would create a reflex action in the rest of the world that would, in return, benefit the Western sending churches.”

Harvey Kwiyani

Connections will be changing!

Since the beginning of lockdown, we have maintained a weekly edition of FCC Connection (this week is the 23rd consecutive edition). As we move into the autumn we will move to a fortnightly pattern. After Christmas we will probably move to once a month – although we will keep that open for review.

The change of pace will mean a change of look. So, by the end of this month we will adopt a new look for FCC Connection. The content will be very similar but the appearance will be changed.


Take a step – learn how to share the best news ever

From a course by Relational Mission

Being witnesses for Jesus, by pointing to him with words, works and wonders and inviting others into relationship with him… This is what we are all called to be and to do as his people.

But for most of us it can seem so daunting; leading us to comparing ourselves to those that appear to find it “easy”, and we lose even more confidence as a result!

Relational Mission has come up with something that they believe all of us can have a go at, and see ourselves start to grow as a result.

Take a step

Over recent years, “Couch to 5K” has become a popular running programme for beginners. Relational Mission were inspired to come up with an evangelism equivalent, the “Take A Step” Initiative: ten weekly sessions made up of a short video alongside steps that anyone can attempt, that fits around your schedule and applies to your context.

The free course has been designed to cover subjects like our identity in Christ, being people of peace, offering prayer – all the while learning simple, practical tools for sharing what Jesus has done for us.

It’s a way to get started on the journey to sharing your faith regularly. There’s no expectation to keep up the pace if you’d like to linger on one segment for longer. And once you’ve completed ten sessions, there will be resources for discipleship to help you continue the journey.

You can join in as individuals, as small groups or even do it as a family.

Join in, enjoy the journey and see what God does!

See course details here.


Booking is now open for our FREE online training  

We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new online training modules for church leaders and activists this autumn. 

As lockdown eases and churches begin to reopen, it feels like we’re entering the next phase of our COVID-19 response. Although the future remains uncertain, we want to help prepare your church for whatever lies ahead.

Our Cinnamon Training Series is designed specifically for those who are passionate about seeing God’s love transform their communities.  

All modules are delivered online, with an experienced trainer. They are completely free of charge and you can attend as many as you’d like. Through the modules, you’ll gain practical support and advice so you can effectively respond to the needs in your community.  

  • Race Diversity 1 and 2  Thursday 17th September, 9.30am-3.00pm 
  • Empowering Volunteers – Thursday 1st October,  9.30am-1.00pm 
  • Build a Successful Fundraising Strategy  Thursday 15th October, 9.30am-1.00pm 
  • Explore Missional Listening – Thursday 29th October, 9.30am-1.00pm 
  • Building Effective Partnerships – Thursday 12th November, 9.30am-1.00pm 
  • Effective Leadership  Thursday 26th November, 9.30am-1.00pm 
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Made Easy – Thursday 10th December, 9.30am-1.00pm 

Book Your Place

With best wishes,

The Cinnamon Team



Issue 196 | August 2020

Time to Learn

It is hard to believe that it is already time for schools and universities to begin the fall semester here in the US and in many places around the world. 

We are divided and separated by a reality we have little control over. Yet we strive to make it possible to continue to learn. We shrink class sizes, meet virtually or outdoors and change class times. It is understood that learning is important.

As I age and especially as I begin my role with World Convention, I am reminded how much I still have to learn. I am grateful that scripture contains the promise that if we lack wisdom, we can ask, and God will provide. Along with that, I believe God provides people and experiences to help us learn and grow. I want to share one such person and experience with you.

There is no way to fully understand the life of a young student in Afghanistan. They have suffered generations of war. There still exists incredible risk of violence, food insecurity and rising unemployment – on and on their challenges go.

Shabir was a 12-year old boy who lived in a two-room house with his family of 9. I was visiting a school supported by churches in the US for children who were also working part of the day to provide basic needs for their families. This school ran two shifts. The students came one shift and ate a hot lunch, then worked the other part of the day. For many it was the only meal they had for the day. Many times, I saw children putting part of their lunch in their backpack to share with family members when they got home.

I’d met Shabir before. But on this visit, I noticed he had a scar on his face. His teacher saw me looking at this sweet boy’s face. He called Shabir to come over and had him pull up his pant leg. With some hesitation, he complied. I tried to keep a neutral look on my face as I saw a very new, raw scar that ran from his ankle to over his knee…on both sides of his leg.

He shared that on their one day off per week he had been selling vegetables outside a local mosque. On this day there was a suicide bomber that had targeted the Hazara-filled mosque. He heard the blast and remembered very little else until he woke up on the grounds of a hospital nearby. His 16-year-old brother had rushed to his aid and somehow managed to get him to the hospital. There were so many injured that there were not enough places inside, so they began treating him right on the grass.

He told me how they had to put his leg back together and after two surgeries it “really was much better.” He had a dimpled mark on his chin. There was shrapnel that was embedded in his chin and they were waiting to take that out.

Then something hit me. Why was he at school? This accident happened just one month before my meeting him. His leg scar was still very pink, and clearly swollen. I asked Shabir, “Shouldn’t you be at home resting?” He immediately answered, “NO.” He shared that he loved school. The opportunity for him to be there was amazing to him. He loved his teachers and he was getting good test scores. He dreams of being a police officer and making his country a better place.

This boy had every reason and excuse to sit out. I couldn’t imagine that I would have been so eager or determined to push so hard to study had I been in his place. His determination encourages me.

In this time of restructured schedules, less access to what is familiar and barriers to learning, I want to be like Shabir. I want my commitment to learning and creating a better world drive me past what is comfortable.

This is my prayer for the church as well.

-Tina Bruner

Introducing Chris Ibbs

Continuing our series on introducing members of the National Council, this week we feature Chris Ibbs.

Chris has been a minister at the Selston, Nottinghamshire, Church of Christ for a good number of years. A few years after beginning his ministry at Selston, the Riddings Church of Christ in Derbyshire (just a few miles away), invited him to help them by becoming their minister too. In addition to these responsibilities, Chris is also helping to develop work in other nearby Nottinghamshire villages.

Till next week, Martin Robinson…

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